10 December 2008
Loooooong time, no pictures...
03 September 2008
02 August 2008
Also, thank you all again for all the emails/Facebook/text messages - your advice, encouragement, and well wishes mean so much!
Orsanmichele! Unfortunately the interior was closed due to ongoing restoration.
Cantoria by Luca della Robbia, another of my favorites.
Gelato count: 7
31 July 2008
The Duomo
The Duomo - S. Maria Assunta
Thirteenth-century mosaic depicting Christ enthroned
Apse frescoes, completed in part by Filippo Lippi, whose tomb is in the Cathedral
The fourteenth-century Rocca Albornoziana which was used as a jail in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The scenic Ponte delle Torri, definitely of medieval construction, but which may or may not be built over Roman foundations.
View of the hills and storm clouds around Spoleto from the Ponte delle Torri
30 July 2008
Assisi, Part Two
It was obvious that today was going to be another hot day, so I decided to make the trek up to the Rocca Maggiore, a medieval fortress which overlooks Assisi and the valley below. The walk took about half an hour, almost all uphill, though nothing too steep and the views were well worth the climb.
View of Assisi and Santa Chiara from Rocca Maggiore
After that semi-traumatizing event, I came back to the hotel for a few hours since everything shuts at mid-day to avoid the heat. Later in the afternoon, I visited the Pinacoteca, which has some very nice medieval paintings, including two crucifixion scenes, both from the Confraternity of Santa Maria del Vescovato, about which I know absolutely nothing, but hope to find out more.
Crucifixion from Santa Maria del Vescovato
Fragment of a fresco depicting the Crucifixion, also from S. Maria del Vescovato
I spent the rest of the afternoon back at the Basilica of San Francesco taking in the frescoes again. In the Upper Basilica, each of the frescoed scenes is divided by painted pillars and molding, done with perspective in mind so there’s a tromp l’oeil effect and it looks like they’re three-dimensional instead of flat on a wall. There’s also a set of beautiful wooden choir stalls which also utilize tromp l’oeil, this time with wood so that the backs of the stalls appear to have doors or shelves for books. As beautiful as the church is, though, I can’t help but think that St. Francis would be appalled at the opulence spilled out in his name.