As a college student, especially one about to start her senior year, the prospect of spending the Fourth at home with "the fam" wasn't exactly an exciting one. Luckily for me, Tara, my dear friend and fellow Texan also felt the need to escape, so we jetted off to Atlanta for the weekend to enjoy the holiday, Georgia style with Dorothy, our very own southern belle who was in town with her parents to run the Peachtree 10k and enjoy the fireworks. Tara took a puddle-jumper from San Antonio to Love Field, and from there, we drove to Dallas-Ft. Worth to catch our plane to Atlanta. Later that afternoon, we landed at Hartsfield-Jackson and caught the metro (MARTA) to Buckhead where we met up with Dorothy and her parents for dinner. For the Fourth, we went to Lenox, a mall in Buckhead which claims to put on the biggest display of fireworks in the southeast.

The girls - waiting in the parking lot of Lenox for the show to start!
I don't know if it was the biggest, but the display was certainly one of the best I've seen. The pyrotechnics were nicely choreographed with the music, and there were varieties of fireworks I'd never seen. All in all, it was a great time with great friends and a wonderful way to celebrate America and her founders.



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